16 April, 2009

Solitary Delights!

Have you ever felt completely at ease with yourself when alone at home? even though a part of you wished that everyone hadn’t gone out? Have you ever travelled alone at some time and felt refreshed with the new perspective that came with it?

The stretch of time alone can be a few moments, for example, stepping into the kitchen when you have many guests at home or it could be longer, such as a walk by yourself, or, an or even a month or more of travelling alone.

Is there a bit of a hermit in all of us? I suppose in varying degrees, yes. I’m certainly not anti-social but spending quiet time alone for me is like food and water....there are days when even though I’m having a relaxed day with my husband, by evening, I simply tie up my shoe-laces and say, “Alright, Im going out for a walk” ^_^ and I return refreshed, calmer and with new insight.

Increasingly, I’m enjoying my time apart from Rigzin (he is from Ladakh and is currently engaged in projects for the national television network there). I miss him especially on Sundays but gradually I see this theme changing, I feel happier as I am looking forward to fulfilling new art projects, even this blog has become an affirmation of positive living and sharing ! ^_^

A chat with my yoga teacher the other day helped me to realise and accept that I like being alone! at least for some part of the day...... for instance, after a long day at the gallery I like to have a coffee by myself, (at the Barista ,near Regal cinema ) ....I don’t usually read books in cafes, although a magazine or newspaper is more welcome. Then I like to walk to the station! yup! that’s a long walk! from Colaba (Radio club to Churchgate station) but it frees my mind...I look at the art-deco buildings, the sky, notice something I had’nt noticed before....mmmm...I think one can enjoy the company of people more if one can be alone and at ease with one’s self. Or better still when one when is alone, you will find, in between the thoughts which are constantly flowing, you stop and notice what is happening in(side) and around you. This "pausing", and for a while not giving all our “daily tasks” too much importance can only add more depth and meaning to our lives ^_^


Pictures from my wanderings ^_^

A pond inside Bhandavgarh National park (forest), Madhya Pradesh, the heart of India. This was such a peaceful spot when we came upon it, and I remember we spotted a crested serpent eagle perched on a branch. The solitude of this serene place reaches out to you even through the picture...sigh!!!

Tea by myself. Imagine finding Hongkong style tea on the menu in Beijing and it is exactly like the stronlgy brewed black tea sweetened with milk and sugar (kadak chai, Bombay style!) that we drink in Bombay! ^_^ truly, a solitary delight! ^_^

One of the pleasures of travelling in trains in Bombay when there are hardly any people is you can put your feet up and relax as the breeze rushes in through the open windows...everyone does it...one of the many many interesting things about Bombay.... ^_^

Pink! Imagine my delight when I hopped into this pink rickshaw ^_^ .....one more solitary delight!

Evening tea with crackers.... ^_^

Saw this adorable Tom-cat outside a fancy light-fixtures store in Kalaoghoda, just besides the resaurant, Khyber Pass.

The pleasure of observing the evening sky turn gold and pink while walking across Oval maidan (maidan means an open area to play in/ have outdoor activities).


Lastly, Poems of Solitary Delights by Tachibana Akemi (Edo period, Japan), I love the poems' honesty, and simple wonder of the natural world. Although, it may seem it is about a person who was a poet and a painter of long ago, when I read it for the first time it had an wonderful effect on me, I laughed and smiled....so true , I said.... as I identified with some verses. ^_^ Read on and see which verse you identify with...ha ha.... ^ ^

Tachibana Akemi

Poems of solitary delights.

What a delight is
when on the bamboo matting
in my grass-thatched hut,
all on my own,
I make myself at ease.

What a delight it is
when, borrowing
rare writings from a friend,
I open out
the first sheet.

What a delight it is
after a hundered days
of racking my brains,
that verse that would’nt come
suddenly turns out well.

What a delight it is
when of a morning,
I get up and go out
to find in full bloom a flower
that yesterday was not there.

What a delight it is
when, skimming through the pages
of a book, I discover a man written of there
who is just like me.

What a delight it is
when everyone admits
its a difficult book,
and I understand it
with no trouble at all.

What a delight it is
when I blow away the ash,
to watch the crimson
of the glowing fire
and hear the water boil.

What a delight it is
when a guest you cannot stand,
arrives, then says to you
‘I’m afraid I can’t stay long,’
and soon goes home.

What a delight it is
when I find a good brush,
steep it hard in water,
lick it on my tongue
and give it its first try.

Love & light!


zooms said...

and mine would be

"What a delight is
when on the bamboo matting
in my grass-thatched hut,
all on my own,
I make myself at ease."

and for you, there is an award waiting at my blog.

Unknown said...

Hi to all . Can any of you share me the explanation of entire poems . I tried alot but could not understand the message . I amt tutor in small village i said sorry to my students for that poems because i can't brief them this poem nicely . So its humble request to all of you. I need help.

Sabrina Mascarenhas said...

Hi Shoaib,
the poem is simply about the small pleasures in life that we stumble upon,
like the flower that bloomed only this morning and was not there yesterday,
and like the title says, it is about all these things that you enjoy in solitude when
only you know about it. That is all.
Hope this helps
Thank you for dropping by :)
