24 January, 2009

Take a walk !

A shaky video taken by yours truly during a walk with B.N.H.S in Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Borivali, yes, this is in the city!


As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth,
so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind.
To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again.
to make a deep mental path, we must think over and over
the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.
A quote from Speaking Tree column in Times of India newspaper. Un fortunately, I cannot trace the name of the person who has been quoted.


Waking is tone of he most enjoyable of physical activities for me. To put it simply, I must go for a walk! It seems to lighten me up, as if I have opened the windows of my mind for some good airing. And who says one has to walk in a zen garden or by some very scenic beach! So many times I am deep in some thought, and I notice a tree's leaves turning red, and I think oh! I must return with my camera next morning to capture it against the morning light. I'm taken out of my abstract world of thoughts and ideas and into the real world of change, decay, transformation, beauty and wonderment.

When you take a walk, it is as if you are at eye-level with the world, the beggar on the street, the kids running by you in the park, somewhere while mulling over the past and future issues you start observing the world outside and it is my belief , realisation is always within and without.

So there you have it, go take a walk, alone,with a friend or yur lover.

Someday I would love to learn walking meditation :) especially after reading Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh's pocket sized book, The Long Road turns to joy, A Guide to walking meditation,...mmmm....something to think about and look forward to :)

Happy New Year of the Ox! Happy Paths my freinds !

Love & Light

1 comment:

Sabrina Mascarenhas said...

Dear Friends there are lots of typing errors... :( please ignore

am new to blogging and using computers/ laptops

