28 January, 2009

Winter migratory birds off the coast of Bombay

Please Lower the volume as you play this - the engine is loud!

Every winter quite a few species of migratory birds visit the coast of Bombay (or Mumbai, the new name). One of the species to look out for are The Pink flamingos. They have finally come to Sewri as they do each year and I'm hoping to see those pink beauties :)


The video here is of terns following the boat enroute from Elephanta island to The Gateway of India. If you throw crumbs of bread or biscuits, they catch them in mid-air, delighting the passengers with their arial feats.

Oh! and please ignore the muddy waters of the Arabian Sea even further muddied with Bombay's pollutants. But I promise you it was sheer delight after a morning of bird-watching, walking around ancient sculptures and carvings at Elephanta island ending with these innocent white terns and the cool morning air!

Love + light

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