27 November, 2008

A Mayan Prayer

Most of us were at home today, watching the news, many did'nt sleep at all last night and most sad of all at least a hundred people lost their lives.
As I was cleaning through my things, I found this Mayan prayer I can relate to very much. If I had to choose a prayer to say , this would be it and I cannot think of a more appropriate time when we need positive vibrations.
Mayan Prayer

From the east, house of Light,
may wisdom dawn in us,
so we may see all things in clarity!
from the north, house of night,
may wisdom ripen in us,
so we may know all from within!
from the west, house of transformation,
may wisdom be transformed into right action,
so we may do what must be done!
from the south, house of the eternal sun,
may right action reap the harvest,
so we may enjoy the fruits of planetary being!
from above, House of heaven,
where star people and ancestors gather,
may their blessings come to us now!
from below, house of the earth,
may the heartbeat of her crystal core
bless us with harmonies to end all war!
from the centre, galactic source,
which is everywhere at once,
may everything be known as the light of mutual love!
Tomorrow is New Moon, a day to sow seeds of new thoughts and actions, dreams of a brighter future.
Love + light

1 comment:

Linh Do said...

Hello it's Linh from a cup of tea. ^^
Thank you for your comment xD, I've just read some of your entries in the blog, interestingly your life and way of thinking/writting bring me a sense of Indian life today.. I love your paintings too ^^ they are amazing :D How's the job in gallery going? I love going to exhibitions to see artworks, you are lucky to have a job at that place.
Hope you find the balance in your everyday life ^^
