24 December, 2008

Gathering perspective with colours and numbers & Chritmas Warmth

Everyday vibrations
Recently I found this lovely book by Louise L. Hay, Colour & Numbers- your personal guide to Positive Vibrations in Daily Life. If you have been reading my blog then you must know I am deeply interested in colours (and numbers to an extent). Louise has presented in a simple and charming way how to calculate your personal year, personal month and personal day numbers and colours, hmmm...you won't believe how this has helped me or rather how I've been experimenting with it.

It may not seem so, but I take forever to decide what to wear, you see I'm the the intuitive dresser, ever since I feel more about colours I wonder about what colour I feel like wearing!
But after consulting with the book over a period of time, I've realised as long as I get in touch with the overall theme/mood of the day, it doesn't matter if I'm wearing amethyst or not.
Illustration from the book for personal year 7.
Understanding the past and preparing for the future
One morning as I was looking to see the colour vibration for the day. I decided to calculate my personal year numbers
for the past few years and the future to see if an interesting pattern emerges. Doing so made things so clear! Understanding the theme of the year finally allowed me to make sense and accept the nature of past events. For instance, when most of my friends were getting jobs in the real world, I went off into the Himalayas and stayed in Ladakh for nearly two years! I found out those years were represented by numbers 6 and 7 and colours, indigo and violet respectively - very spiritual and inner years, time to give to yourself. Remarkable! When I read that it cleared away so many why's, that was the time I truly went inward. Knowing this just showed that everyone has different lessons to learn, one simply cannot compare. Everyone path is unique to themselves. Isn’t that amazing!

Some more insight was revealed, 2008 for me was represented by 1, a year of beginnings, how interesting, I kept feeling throughout 2008, hardship and at the same time immense satifaction of new beginings.

The future- looking ahead
Coming to 2009, next year is supposed to be a time of rest for me, where I let the seeds grow which I sowed last year, mmm....again it is so close, lately I've been feeling as if I just want to take things easy, just run around less, physically at least, let the ideas incubate, rejuvanate, practise what I've been learning, do my yoga sadhana, meditate.... and I've even changed my work routine to allow that! Once again , bang on!

Even the Humming Bird rests
I read a very good article and I have posted the link below if you feel brave enough to read it. All you artists and thinkers please do , its called "Even the Humming Bird rests" by Amy I. Wink. Amy
speaks about, allowing the mind to be quiet, to rest, so that true creativity can flow

Christmas Warmth

Stars lit up high in a tree outside a restautant in Colaba. They looked so dreamy and celestial.

Details of ornaments in my little Christmas tree :)
Wishing you all a very warm Christmas and Joyful New Year !

Love +light!

17 December, 2008

Breaking Blog Silence

Flowers, Temple of Heaven park, Beijing. I chose this picture because it reminds me of a flower laden path towards a brighter future.

I am finally breaking blog silence. So many words have been said about the unfortunate events which occurred from 26 to 29 December 08 in local and international media. At the time, wether you were in a train or were simply walking down the street, you only heard about the horror of the unfolding events.

It was surreal to find oneself caught in this web of interdependence, where we were turned into spectators of death and destruction. While we slept, ate and watched the continuous stream of media footage, people lost their lives, were injured and traumatized for life, something in me and everyone changed, irrevocably.

During those days and in the aftermath I could not bring myself to write anything about it which would be published on the internet. Of course I spoke about it, it was all one could think about.

Seeing men with guns in camouflage guarding the station where I alight for work , walking past metal detectors, listening to announcements alerting you to unclaimed baggage that may contain explosives is giving me a glimpse of what life must be like for people in conflict-zones.

Realizations – within and without.
Inward - I don’t see myself coming to town (as we call south Bombay) six days a week anymore. All life is precious and I might as well live as if I am on a sacred journey. Outwardly, where do we go from here? I will leave asking of major questions to more knowing minds but can we re-write history in a brief period? After I read ‘Three Cups of Tea’ by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin I realized that the problem is very deep rooted. I would think it has to do with ignorance, no education, a situation where madarasas crop up sooner than non-secular schools.

Respect in our hearts, sending out love.
Thich Nhat Hanh is a Zen Master who has done a lot for promoting peace and I like his writings. The first book I had read was 'Old Path, White Clouds', it changed me and I have read more books written by him since then. Recently he visited India.
In his pocket-sized book on walking meditation , Thich Nhat Hanh speaks about, how on his return to France after witnessing some shocking incidents he was repulsed by the contrasting sight of people living extravagantly, and he vowed to live in such a way that would help others.

Coming back to what I said about being on a sacred journey, with respect in our hearts for the lives lost and so that peace may grow we can go about our daily lives sending out waves of peace and harmony. Every positive thought matters, cultivate them today.

Returning arrows with flowers
Another thing, I could not understand people’s reactions – all those hate sms’s, what was that all about? Fixing appointments between terrorists and God ! have we forgotten ?
“An eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind” – Gandhi

Related links
* Plum Village where Thich Nhat Hanh lives
* more about Three Cups of Tea

Peace, love , light and harmony !
